OK, so you’ve either acquired a manmade pond or installed one yourself. Like most any landscaping feature, it’ll require some elbow grease to keep it looking and functioning as it should.
Muck, waste and assorted unsightly and foul-smelling gunk accumulates in both the bottom of the pond and filter. This is especially problematic when the weather gets cold and the bacteria that typically process this mess take the winter off.
If this problem isn’t regularly handled, the next step is out-of-control algae.
It’s recommended a cleanout process be followed about once a year at minimum, depending on the size of the pond.
Once you’ve accounted for whatever fish are in the pond that you want to stay there, the next step is draining the pond.
Next up, remove large debris and clean filters and rocks that will stay in the pond. Pressure-washing will likely be necessary to achieve the optimal level of cleanliness and muck removal.
While the water is temporarily gone, it is also a good time to check to make sure the gravel bed is properly re-filled and to do repair of any lights you may have installed.
This is also an opportunity to fertilize aquatic plants and re-set pond detoxifiers and make sure the beneficial bacteria in your pond are present and ready to do their job.
With the work done, prepare to enjoy a clean and clear pond until it’s time to re-set the biological processes all over again!
Little’s can help you with all your excavation needs. Get in touch with us today to start a conversation!