The effective management of stormwater is important at any property, but that’s magnified at a commercial place, with customers, vendors and community stakeholders frequently around places of business.

Here is a series of best practices for stormwater management systems for commercial properties:

Assess the site

To conceive and install a suitable stormwater management system for a given property, understanding its dimensions and characteristics is vital.

Bringing a professional excavation service, such as Little’s, into the fold here will make this go far smoother. We have the equipment and expertise to collect the relevant data, then transition it into the best solution.

Make a plan

With this information in hand, we can properly move forward with putting in the stormwater management system that is best for your business. Every business and every property have their own distinct characteristics that lend themselves to a specific plan of attack. We will tailor that plan accordingly.

Pick the right drainage system

There are several different types of drainage systems that, again, are each applicable to different styles of properties. Here are a few examples:


Grading and landscaping effectively is a fundamental way to manage water runoff. On a very basic level, the idea is to make sure stormwater travels away from your property or structure as opposed to toward it.


Any time a slanted roof is in play, this is an effective solution. Gutters catch the water that is coming off the roof and transport it to a downspout, in order to prevent it from traveling straight down toward the foundation.

French drains

These are designed to drain grass, lawns, yards, etc., using a trench. These typically aren’t visible to the naked eye from ground level; pipes are covered most of the time with gravel or rock. Soil and grass can also be installed on top of the system, if desired and feasible.

Siphonic drains

Whereas gutters are a typical solution for structures with slanted roofs, siphonic drains work on buildings with flat roofs. Water is carried away from the building or to a storm basin.

Take care of your system

This focuses on preventative maintenance, as it is considerably easier and more cost-effective to avoid a problem with stormwater than it is to fix one.