
Some key differences between trenching and excavation

The terms trenching and excavation may both bring to mind visions of digging and moving dirt around. In reality, the differences are deeper than that, and each is appropriate for certain situations. Excavation involves digging up concrete or [...]

July 13, 2022|

Keys to a successful excavation

Excavation, as we have detailed on this blog previously, is more than just digging a big hole. Here are a few keys to a successful excavation project: A solid plan This doesn't mean simply some spitball notes sketched [...]

June 14, 2022|

Digging a trench to drain water

Many aspects of house and home, or your business, are out of sight and out of mind until they fluctuate or fail. A trench to drain stormwater from your structure fits on this list. A drainage trench or [...]

March 21, 2022|

Clearing land to build a new house?

For many people, especially in our DIY-friendly, workmanlike corner of the country, the best way to move into your dream home is to build it yourself. That process begins with clearing your lot, which will do everything from [...]

December 13, 2021|
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