How to maintain a gravel driveway
There are many reasons why a gravel driveway might be right for your home or property. In order to maximize those benefits, proper maintenance is important. Here are some tips for how to keep your driveway looking and functioning as it should: Keep an eye out for potholes One pitfall of gravel driveways [...]
You don’t want your pond maintenance to get out of hand
OK, so you’ve either acquired a manmade pond or installed one yourself. Like most any landscaping feature, it’ll require some elbow grease to keep it looking and functioning as it should. Muck, waste and assorted unsightly and foul-smelling gunk accumulates in both the bottom of the pond and filter. This is especially problematic [...]
How to slow soil erosion (top-level soil stripping)
Soil erosion is a problem that compounds itself: the stripping away of the top level of soil on your property can increase the likelihood of flooding, which in turn can create worse erosion. Erosion – most often caused by water and wind – can take topsoil off your land and leave compacted what [...]
What you need to know about land clearing
Many projects of a construction nature require clearing the site first. Knowing how this can be correctly done before beginning the process will save time and effort further down the line. Removing trees, brush, rocks and stones, stumps and whatever else may be in the way is typically the first order of business [...]
There are big benefits with stormwater management
Effective management of stormwater is critical to making one’s property the best it can be, from a visual and aesthetic standpoint to ensuring the safety and longevity of any structure on it. Additionally, there are a handful of environmental incentives to make sure stormwater is controlled as it can and should be. Here [...]
The Tri-State’s wildly unpredictable weather and its effect on excavating
They say in the Ohio Valley that if you don’t like the weather – especially in the spring or the fall – wait five minutes and it will change. Many aspects of society can be affected by wild weather, not the least of which is the construction industry and other related issues. Wet, [...]
What to know before building a pond or a lake
One way to enjoy the advantages of lakefront property without blessing the real estate community in your area is to create your own lakefront property – by putting in your own body of water. And, after all, not all of us can live in the land of 10,000 lakes. In all seriousness, installing [...]
How to reduce the risk of excavation hazards — and take care of what’s most important
“Working in the trenches” is a euphemism often used in our language for a tough situation – either in a positive connotation of putting in the work to get through it, or the glass-half-empty, fatalistic viewpoint of how much harder that spot makes life. Working in trenches, in a literal context, is also [...]
What to do with major rock on a construction site
Finding a considerable amount of rock on a construction site is no one’s idea of a great time. It’s made more problematic when that discovery is made after the excavation process or the build has already begun. The reasons for this are manifold. Among the highlights: it may extend the completion date for [...]
How excavation services can help you build a better driveway
A couple of months ago, this blog touched on tips for installing a gravel driveway. As professional excavation services can be a great asset to that specific process, they really also set the groundwork – pun intended – to installing any sort of driveway. Beginning with excavation in putting in a new driveway [...]